Yoga for Pregnancy, Mother & Baby Yoga & Baby Massage

Yoga for Pregnancy
Yoga during pregnancy brings a calm strength and inner balance that enables you to overcome any challenges that lie ahead. Yoga is a great way to strengthen, tone and relax you, and make more space for your baby.
In pregnancy classic poses are adapted and practised using strong leg positions to promote overall strength and stability. Being aware of your breathing is a useful tool which enables you to become more self-aware. Yoga will help you to listen to your body and respond calmly during pregnancy and birth.
Mother & Baby Yoga
The postnatal period is an ideal time to gently strengthen the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor. Using gentle yoga poses will enable you to gradually and safely recover your muscle tone.
The sessions will incorporate songtime with gentle yoga poses which gives you the opportunity to interact and bond with your baby.

Baby Massage
Baby massage promotes bonding as touch triggers the release of ‘feel good hormones’ to encourage an even closer relationship with you and your baby. Your baby will feel nurtured and loved with each gentle stroke, while feeling more relaxed which may also help to improve their sleep and digestion. By building up close physical contact with your baby you will be able to respond to their needs by recognising their cues.
My course is run over 5 weeks; each week we will work on different massage techniques and strokes, we build up to a full body massage over the 5 sessions. Songtime while massaging makes the sessions fun and interactive with added benefits that singing to babies helps to promote their brain activity and concentration.